
Welcome to Art Department, a platform showcasing the works of emerging artists, illustrators, designers, and photographers from Australia and around the world.
We're committed to supporting both local Australian and international creative talent by making art affordable and accessible. We firmly believe that everyone should enjoy art, and we support this belief by providing fair commissions to our artists, fostering Australia's creative community.
Our business is built on ethical and quality-driven practices. We prioritize the environment and our communities by sourcing sustainable materials and collaborating with local suppliers to reduce our carbon footprint.
Selecting the perfect art piece can be challenging, so we provide various print sizes and framing options to accommodate different tastes and budgets. Whether you're after a statement piece or a series of prints for a gallery wall, we have options for every style and space.
We hold quality in the highest regard, from our prints to our packaging and shipping processes. Our prints use top-tier materials and techniques for long-lasting vibrancy, and we ensure each product arrives at your doorstep in excellent condition.